Recipe: The Party S'more

S’mores using frosted sugar cookies instead of grahams, white chocolate, & funfetti mallow

It’s Day 13 of our #HotSmoreSummer content, and today is all about the party. Be honest, how many times have you had a party or office gathering to go to and someone brings a box of the frosted sugar cookies that are available in every grocery store bakery? Countless times, right? A not so well kept secret around here is that we LOVE those cookies! Sure -- we love fancy cookies, too, but there is something so nostalgic about these cookies that seem to be at every single party. Of course, we are all about nostalgia.

The party s’more is really inspired by those cookies and the celebrations that come with them! Plus… we just really wanted to get those cookies together with our funfetti marshmallows

S’mores using frosted sugar cookies instead of grahams, white chocolate, & funfetti mallow



  1. Head to your local grocery store bakery and get frosted sugar cookies. You know the ones we are talking about -- those frosted cookies that are at every birthday or office party.
  2. Take a butter knife and scrape the frosting off of one cookie. Keep frosting.
  3. Put a piece of white chocolate bar where the frosting used to be
  4. Toast your funfetti marshmallow (sprinkles down) and place on top of the white chocolate.
  5. Take the frosting you took off the first cookie and spread it onto the non-frosted side of the other cookie.
  6. Smush altogether and enjoy!

S’mores using frosted sugar cookies instead of grahams, white chocolate, & funfetti mallow

Making one of our s’mores? We want to see! Post on social media and tag @xo.marshmallow and #hotsmore summer to show us your amazing creations!

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